❌ No more bad interviews
✅ Prepare for interviews like a pro
Try CareerKeeper for free today!
Your resume and job search websites get you the interview. CareerKeeper gets you the job!
Save Your Valuable Stories
Hiring managers don’t want to hear vague interview answers like you’re a “hard worker.” They want to hear concrete examples that demonstrate you can do the job.
Privately save and access your work wins throughout your career, so you're always interview-ready.
Track Your Job Opportunities
As we all know, searching for a job can feel like a full time job. Know when, where, and what job you applied to. Stay organized and measure your progress with CareerKeeper.
View all of your job applications in one place! Never scramble to find a job description or resume you applied with again.
Advanced Interview Tools
Never be caught off with a question. CareerKeeper helps you prepare for interviews so you can focus on telling your story
Pin relevant work wins to your job opportunities so you can prove your track record without starting all over every time. Share with hiring managers and recruiters to give you the extra edge.
Never lose track of your powerful work win stories. Easily update your resume and prepare for interviews.
Know when, where, and what job you applied to. Stay organized and measure your progress.
Pin your relevant work wins to your job opportunities so you can prove your track record and get the job.
“I used to save all of my job descriptions in Word documents. Now I can save everything for my career in one place and stay organized.”
“Working full-time and searching for a job is hard work. These tools would make me feel incredibly confident and ready to interview.”
"This is exactly what I need! I wear multiple hats in my job and now I can track all of my accomplishments in one place so I never lose them."
"It makes me feel good to see my work wins adding up. I can look back and see how much I've achieved every month."
Careerkeeper is free! Try it today.